你 好,!!明天按照规定***5是没有NBA比赛直播的!!***5直播NBA比赛是在每周的星期2,星期3加上双休日!1月13日是周四,所以没有直播!你可以去看看你们地方体育台有不有直播!

2012年***5只在周六、周日有NBA球。 01月14日 星期六11:30 掘金 - 热火 ***-5直播01月15日 星期日11:30 快船 - 湖人 ***-5直播
I can remember the good old days,
when you and me used to hide away
where the stars were shining or the sun was blinding our eyes
Yeah you filled up my glass,
with promises that could never last
And I still find pieces of you in the back of my mind
And all of the things that we once said,
they're not in my heart, they're in my head
That was the time to say goodbye
Let's put it to rest yeah, let it die
'coz we don't, we don't need to talk about this now
Yeah we've been down that road before
That was then and this is now
The crowds in my heart they've been calling out your name
Now it just don't feel the same
I guess it's over, yeah we're done
I heard you made your way downtown
to the place that I've been hanging around
I was looking for your face in the crowd
but trying to keep my head down
Over time our wires crossed
well you changed and truth got lost
All the things I would change if we could only rewind
You were a moment in life that comes and goes
A riddle, a rhyme that no one knows
A change of a heart, a twist of fate
Couldn't fix it, it's too late
'coz we don't, we don't need to talk about this now
Yeah we've been down that road before
That was then and this is now
The crowds in my heart they've been calling out your name
Now it just don't feel the same
I guess it's over, yeah we're done
Ooooooooh Ooooooooh Ooooh
We don't, we don't need to talk about this now
We don't, we don't need to talk about this now
We don't, we don't need to talk about this now
We don't, we don't need to talk about this now
2010年2月 ***5 直播表(09-10赛季NBA常规赛)
2010年2月2日 上午10:00 达拉斯小牛--犹他爵士
2010年2月3日 上午09:30 金州勇士--休斯敦火箭
2010年2月6日 上午11:30 洛杉矶湖人--丹佛掘金
2010年2月7日 上午11:00 洛杉矶湖人--波特兰开拓者
2010年2月9日 上午11:30 圣安东尼奥马刺--洛杉矶湖人
2010年2月10日 上午11:30 犹他爵士--洛杉矶快船
2010年2月17日 上午09:30 犹他爵士--休斯敦火箭
2010年2月20日 上午09:00 多伦多猛龙--新泽西篮网
2010年2月21日 上午11:30 萨克拉门托国王--洛杉矶快船
2010年2月23日 上午11:30 夏洛特山猫--洛杉矶快船
2010年2月24日 上午09:00 洛杉矶湖人--孟菲斯灰熊
2010年2月27日 上午09:30 圣安东尼奥马刺--休斯敦火箭
2010年2月28日 上午10:00 休斯敦火箭--犹他爵士
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